The Wikipedia Facts You Need To Know About Transsexual Doll

Sex doll torso

A transexual doll will ultimately quench your undying lust for mixed-gender sexual sensation. At, we offer the topmost designs you might need anytime, anywhere.

When it comes to matters of affection and sexual attraction, many of us have quite different opinions and preferences. Either of these never measures up for everyone equally. It is entirely in the open that most people would naturally get attracted to their opposite sex; however, this is never the case with all of us. For some, both the alluring beauty of a female and the starkness nature of a male body are all attractive in a more complementary fashion. For them, the blend of the sexes makes up the testiest sexual experience they always want and prefer.

Few real humans are transgender. Meaning, finding them can never be a walk in the park. However, there is a solution, the transsexual doll. There are exclusively high-end designs that will always serve the purpose of fulfilling your sexual desires to its latter. As a curious and transitionally active buyer, you can explore the different models available from full size to a sex doll torso choosing your very best. A super end transsexual doll will always provide you with penetrating sexual pleasure characterized by ultimate submission and aggressiveness.

Features characteristics of a transsexual doll

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Before we indulge in knowing some of its features, lets fist, know what a  transsexual sex doll is. These are typical sex dolls you already know; however, they now come with both feminine and masculine genital features. If not sex doll torso, they will always feature the typical sex doll legs, head, hands, among others body parts.

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The design purpose for these dolls was to provide sexual pleasure, and all their features lean towards that. They feature several tight yet taut pleasure holes, which offers you the opportunity for maximum exploitation and absolute sexual satisfaction. These include vagina, anus, as well as oral entry.  Each of these holes provides satisfactory accommodation for any penis size regardless of hoe endowed some men could be. Moreover, they also feature a removable penis attachment, which offers equally amazing pleasures. Like typical sex dolls, even a transsexual sex doll torso always remain adventurous and passionate when it comes to fulfilling your sexual desires.

A typical example of a transsexual sex doll is Shemale. She bears the sexual attraction beauty; however, she can be a male when she wants. Her maker allowed great customization options to make her more of what you would want. Like other models in her category, she can change; her hairstyles, eye color, nail, and toe color, amount of pubic hair, among many others to match your want. However, do not forget; she can as well be a man. All she needs is that penis attachment and ready she is ready to penetrate your pleasure hole.

Many like Shemale exists in the current sex doll market. However, you must be careful to only go for the best in terms of quality and performance.

Are There Transgender Sex Dolls Like There Are Transsexual Humans

No. Transgender is always for humans as a transsexual is for both; sex dolls and humans. According to its definition, transgender mainly concern behaviors which dolls lack – they are non-living. Transsexual, on the other hand, concerns both.

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A person can have two genitals, male and female, in one body the same as a doll. Only that with dolls, these parts are replaceable. When you need a man, you fix the penis and woman, vagina.

Reasons Why You Should Buy A Transsexual Sex Doll

There are quite several reasons why people buy transsexual dolls instead or along with other sex dolls. Among these include the following;

  • Sexual Satisfaction– not everyone enjoys sex with persons of their opposite gender. For this reason, therefore, transsexual dolls offer then a better solution if they can’t find real humans with the sexual characteristics they want.
  • All-Inclusive – these dolls possess both as male and female sex partners. Hence, there will be no need for buying two dolls, male and female, to enjoy the company of both in your quest for sexual satisfaction.
  • Several Customizations Options– other than interchanging their genital components, these dolls allow other customizations to make them what you want. These involve changing hairstyles and nail color, eye color alterations, and pubic hair regulation, among many others.
  • Varied Sizes – you can either choose to have a full transsexual doll or sex doll torso.
  • Unlimited Sexual Pleasure – Like the rest of the sex dolls, these dolls come with lots of pleasure holes made tight yet elastic. Each of these holes offers the desired realistic pleasure.

Aside from the above reasons, other general ones are cutting across all sex dolls include;

  • They save marriage cost – real partners are expensive to keep
  • They are easy to maintain – they only need cleaning and lubrication. Real humans need more than that.
  • All-submissive – they never nag nor complain. You can sexually engage them continuously, and they never complain.
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Buying Advice

Finding the best choice of a transsexual doll may be difficult for first-timers. However, the fact remains buying a high-end model with all the features you need offers you the quality of performance. The sex doll market today has no shortage of transsexual sex dolls. Meaning, you should know in particular your most favorable model before wasting your money on cheap ad low-quality ones.

You can always find the best models in reliable supplier shops. Find that shop with a high reputation whose source o supply is genuine and reputable. Another better alternative could be that you order directly from the factory.


In a slow yet sure fashion, sex dolls are encroaching into our society and taking most of our positions as humans. Recent statistics showing the trend in sex doll sales indicate a potential high rise in the next five years or so.   The prediction shows that then, lots of people will be choosing sex dolls over real humans. All these are due to dynamic aspects of life where relationships are no longer worthy to most of us.

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