Why Should I Choose Silicone Sex Doll

Best Silicone Sex Doll

In case you are beginning to know facts on a sex doll, you will always meet these two terms, silicone and TPE. What they represent is material types used in the manufacture of various sex dolls and even toys. Before, either silicone and TPE, there were old sewn clothes, then came the latex, and now these two. All these transitions were, for a reason, designing the most realistic skin that would give sex dolls a lifelike appearance and feel.

As chemically explained, silicone and TPE are two different materials, mostly in terms of properties. However, despite their differences, they still share specific features that make them quite useful in the sex doll industry. The reason why you should choose a silicone sex doll over the TPE one is only crucial for anyone who would mind them. Each of these comes with the positive and also negative side.

This text is an elaborate explanation as to why silicone must be the best sex doll type to go by and not TPE made design. However, you need to not that TPE is not a faulty material. It is only that it might have a little lesser superiority over silicone. Let’s find out how this is.

Silicone Is More Durable

Sex dolls are generally expensive items when buying, which is a reason enough to look for quality. According to the chemistry of elements, silicone is a more robust material than TPE, its best alternative in sex doll production. It comes with properties that petty damages. Compared to TPE, silicone is more resistant to heat, meaning it can quite endure harsh environments more.

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It is for this same reason of high durability than silicone sex dolls sell at a higher rate than TPE. Even so, there are quite a number of them which you can still find at lower prices owing to their inferior designs. Among these are the torso sex dolls and the mini/small types. It is because they consume fewer materials in their making hence the relatively affordable rates. Otherwise, the lifelike, high-end, and full-design models would always be top in the price list of all sex dolls.

Silicone Sex Dolls Are Easier To Clean

One way to care for your doll is to keep it clean – it enhances durability. Different sex doll models have their unique way of cleaning, depending on the specific design as well as material type used.

Silicone, unlike TPE, is less porous to water. It means you can get deep your silicone sex doll in the water while cleaning it and not damage it at all. This characteristic of silicone makes it quite convenient when you want to clean your doll thoroughly.

Despite the easy to clean procedure, still, all sex dolls require that you avoid letting water into their inner components. Insite, they have a jointed skeleton that may suffer rusting and damage from water.

Lifelike Appearance

Appearance is the first sexually attractive feature most people consider either in human or sex doll. Humans have soft and smooth skin that the sex doll imitates. The current designs we have are the realistic/ lifelike models coming with sexy skin that can wabble and sometimes stay hard.

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Further from the skin, the physical structure of sex dolls is quite similar to that of humans. The orifices represent what you may expect from a typical human being.

Our has the best-looking sex dolls with excellent realistic and lifelike characteristics. More advanced models in this unit feature the AI robotic features, which offer more realism in their existence.

Silicone Sex Dolls Are Hypoallergic

Silicone is free of any allergic effects on users. The material is completely safe, and anyone can use the dolls with no worries. What matters is the kind of lubricant you use of them. Hyperallergic lubes will always bring the allergic effects sparkling frustration in use. A few safe ones have been recommended for use and will always give you the ultimate pleasures you need.


Another important reason why you should choose silicone sex dolls is the bit that they are ever odorless. Like in TPE, this state is what you must maintain with effective cleaning. It is much repealing to engage a smelly sex doll and vice versa. Proper cleaning is always called for as one of the excellent care procedures for sex dolls. In a more significant consideration, it even encourages durability.

Sanitization is one way you can handle sex doll cleaning. In this process, recommendable utilities, the detergent, and sponge are quite necessary.


Scratches can be ugly, not only on sex dolls but many other items of treasure. Silicone sex dolls are not affected by any of these. The silicone material is anti-scratch in that they never show any scratch marks, unlike its alternative TPE. This serves as an excellent characteristic that will always maintain the decent of your doll.

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Bounceback Skin

Silicone remains one of the excellent materials for sex doll manufacturing for the reason that it has the bouncing back feature. It is one material that pushes back when you press it the same way as healthy human skin. This elastic nature makes it easy for wabbling allowance in sections of the dolls’ ass and breasts.

At irealdoll, we have plenty of such dolls with quite smooth and soft skin then bring in the wabbling challenge. Also, among our collection are the muscular types. These may have tighter bodies but still sexy and beautiful.

Silicone Sex Dolls Are The Best

For the above contributing reasons, Silicone Sex Dolls remain best in any purchase consideration. Better than TPE models, these are high-quality designs best for longevity and quality performance.

Our has the latest and the best collection in the market. Here we will find the most realistic Small Breast Sex Dolls types, Sex Doll Torso, Flat Chested Sex Dolls, and a lot more. Within these, you will find those defined by race; Japanese Sex Dolls, American Sex Dolls, and Black Sex Dolls as well. Our price ratings are what you would expect with these tough times of coronavirus, always cheaply affordable. Otherwise, our TPE Sex Doll designs are also the best alternatives you can choose over the silicone types.

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